sábado, 16 de octubre de 2021


Hello, I hope you have a good week, today I will talk about religion and how important it is to me.

To start, since I was little my grandmother taught me to pray, I did it every night I spent with her on vacation and we also went to mass on Sundays. In the country school, there was a small chapel that always had to be cleaned for the important masses and we all attended, I made my first communion right there, my little brother was baptized there too. The priest who gave mass was very nice, my family loved him very much.

Well, in general my family is believers, but they don't go to mass or pray much since my grandmother died, and now that I have grown up, I have decided not to believe, but I respect people who choose to have faith in God, I pray and persigno myself when it is necessary to do so, since I know that for some people it is a great source of support to believe in something and it gives them the strength to continue. Religion can bring together the best in people, but there is no denying the bad things.

7 comentarios:

  1. Hi Ivanouna, I think that it´s great that you respect other people´s beliefs

  2. How interesting, I think the power of faith and prayer is gigantic always and especially in the worst moments!

  3. It is important to respect the beliefs of each person without imposing your idea over that of others, each belief is good when they bring out the best in each person...

  4. I think the best thing about religion is that it often makes you try to be a better person.

  5. I agree with you, I am not a believer either, but whenever I have been to a religious ceremony, I always join them in their prayer.

  6. what memories, how your grandmother my aunt helped me pray every night so that I could sleep ahaha

  7. I agree with you, religion can bring out the best in the people



Hello! I hope you are well, this week we have to talk about a free topic so... as Halloween was recently, I will tell you about the origins ...