domingo, 24 de octubre de 2021


Hi everyone, I hope you all are okay, this week I will tell you what advice I would give to a high school student who is about to enter college.

If he can already enter university, I think the first thing to learn is about the benefits like university grants since it can be a great help for the pocket, after that, always keep an eye on the renewal date so as not to lose it.

Meet and participate in other activities within the university, so that you find things that you like to know and meet many people with different points of view with whom you can make friends, who can help you in your personal development.

You have to know how to organize your time, be it for homework, study, home activities, your family and friends, although we must not forget that not everything is about the university and that time for oneself is very important so as not to collapse.

Finally, seek help when you need it, there will always be someone willing to listen to you and help you, be it your family, your partners, teachers or the institution's social worker.

sábado, 16 de octubre de 2021


Hello, I hope you have a good week, today I will talk about religion and how important it is to me.

To start, since I was little my grandmother taught me to pray, I did it every night I spent with her on vacation and we also went to mass on Sundays. In the country school, there was a small chapel that always had to be cleaned for the important masses and we all attended, I made my first communion right there, my little brother was baptized there too. The priest who gave mass was very nice, my family loved him very much.

Well, in general my family is believers, but they don't go to mass or pray much since my grandmother died, and now that I have grown up, I have decided not to believe, but I respect people who choose to have faith in God, I pray and persigno myself when it is necessary to do so, since I know that for some people it is a great source of support to believe in something and it gives them the strength to continue. Religion can bring together the best in people, but there is no denying the bad things.

domingo, 3 de octubre de 2021

Healthcare system

Hi! I hope you have a good week, today I will talk about how I think the health service can be improved.

Well, It is a complicated issue since I am not aware of how the entire health system of our country works, but my mother works as TENS, that is why I will talk to you based on the experiences that I have been told or that I have heard or seen.

I think there is an increase in the number of staff to attend patients and 2 people caring for between 10 and 20 is too much if an emergency occurs. Should increase the amount of supplies such as medicament to deliver to patients in addition to the variety since buying them in pharmacies is very expensive for a person who does’nt have the resources. Hopefully there were more specialists and technology from different branches of health in regions, so that people who need it do not have to travel long distances, I remember quite well how my grandmother, who died of cancer, felt so bad about having to travel to do radio therapy and then come back coming to faint. And finally, better manage the system of hours for operations that are very necessary for someone's health, although I think there will be many others solutions to give.

An increase in the health budget and more regulation by other agencies in the health system may help these problems.


Hello! I hope you are well, this week we have to talk about a free topic so... as Halloween was recently, I will tell you about the origins ...