domingo, 27 de junio de 2021

My favorite subject

My favorite subject is Ecología General, for the importance it has when talking about the structure and functioning of ecosystems, in addition to the relations that exist between living organisms with their environment and the scale of that.

What I do mainly in class is to take notes of the most important thing the teacher says, or what I reach. After class and when I have time, I finish the notes and read the readings that the teacher leaves, it also leaves the most important highlighting, because something related may also appear in an evaluation.  We have seen topics such as the basic concepts of ecology, the adaptations of plants to resource limitations, the flow of energy, the functioning of ecosystems, the flow of water among many more varied topics that help us understand.

I like it for the variety of topics that must be known and understood to finally know how the ecosystems do they work, in which we will work as forestry engineers, and thus also know what is their best management for the benefit of us and them.

domingo, 20 de junio de 2021


The plant list is a website that in the first year I learned to use for various jobs that include plants, because it gives me a scientific name that is more acceptable to the species I am investigating. When entering the page, we realize that it is completely in English, but it is not complicated to use, you just have to enter your search engine and enter the genus or genus and the species that one thinks to find, for example, Zea o Zea mays.

Then a table with names will appear with the names, their status either acceptable or a synonym of the plant, the level of confidence that is represented in stars, the best option being the one that contains the most, the source and the date supplied. Once the plant is finished and found, we can also know which family the plant belongs to.

I like this site because it allows me to know the species I am looking for, also allowing me to discard information that may be from another plant. But I must admit that I still don't use the whole website. And generally, I use this page when looking for plants that I am just getting to know.


sábado, 5 de junio de 2021

My favorite picture

My favorite picture was taken by my old classmate Víctor Acevedo, show my old classmates, and I, in the travel of my last year of studies in Bariloche, Argentina, in front of handicrafts stalls. It was taken on January 16, 2020, that day was the last of the travel and we take the opportunity to take many more souvenir photos, I also remember that it was very cold that day.

I like it because it brings me many memories of that travel, it was the first time I left the country to know so many beautiful places with different people and eat their delicious chocolates and alfajores, also for the first time there you can ice skating, I was so happy. They took us to reservations that the city had that were beautiful and at night to discos that I really didn't like much because of the loud noise there was. That was the last time we were all together

Despite the problems, I really had a great time and really that photo reminds me.


Hello! I hope you are well, this week we have to talk about a free topic so... as Halloween was recently, I will tell you about the origins ...